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Exercise 1 Warming up for climbing Strength Training

The following warm up exercises are what we’d recommend you do before doing this type of training session. It’s very important to warm up the whole body well, so if at the end you don’t feel fully warmed up then you can repeat any steps until you do.

If you feel you are experienced and understand how to warm up correctly then you have the option to do your own warm up, but we’d recommend that everyone does our warm up at least once.

Click ‘NEXT STEP’ to start the warmup

By now you should feel fully warmed up. It’s very important that you are, not only to help prevent injury but also to make your training session as effective as possible.

If you don’t feel warmed up then you can repeat all or part of the warm up again until you do.

Exercise 2 Power endurance alternated - 14/16-16/20 holds.

After you have warmed up completely, create 2 circuits to train on (If new to this, see the ‘Exercise overview and how to’ section above on creating a circuit). One that is 14 to 16 moves in total and one that is 16 to 20 moves. Ideally the first circuit is at round you personal level, and the longer circuit at your medium level (See the ‘Exercise overview and how to’ section above on setting your level).

You have the option of creating two circuits or using one circuit and adding additional moves to it. If you do use one circuit with an addition, look at reducing the difficulty of the final section of the first circuit and adding another another 4-6 moves so to make the second circuit longer slightly easier.

Exercise summary

You will be attempting your routes as follows:
Climb the first one (14/16 holds).
Rest 4 minutes.
Climb the second one (16/20 holds).
Rest 4 minutes.
Repeat the first one (14/16 holds).
Rest 4 minutes.
Repeat the second one (16/20 holds).

After you’ve finished the set, it’s important to stop and do no more climbing.

Click ‘NEXT STEP’ to start the training

Climb the first circuit (14/16 holds).

  • Try to climb efficiently, relaxed and breathing.
  • If you fall, rest a bit and keep climbing from that point.
  • Always try to focus on your technique and climb the problems with as much precision as possible.

Climb the second circuit (16/20 holds).

  • Try to climb efficiently, relaxed and breathing.
  • If you fall, rest a bit and keep climbing from that point.
  • Always try to focus on your technique and climb the problems with as much precision as possible.

Repeat the first circuit – second go (14/16 holds).

  • Try to climb efficiently, relaxed and breathing.
  • If you fall, rest a bit and keep climbing from that point.
  • Always try to focus on your technique and climb the problems with as much precision as possible.

Repeat the second circuit – second go (16/20 holds).

  • Try to climb efficiently, relaxed and breathing.
  • If you fall, rest a bit and keep climbing from that point.
  • Always try to focus on your technique and climb the problems with as much precision as possible.

Exercise 3 Hanging 2 arms for power endurance on small, medium and large edges, slopers and pinches. 12 x 16 sec hangs, 30 sec rests.

Hang training 1 set of 12 x 16 second hangs using 3 edges, 3 slopers and 3 pinches with 30 seconds rest between each hang.

Ideally for this set you’ll need 9 holds, but substitute where necessary.

NOTE: If no pinches then substitute for slopers in same specified size.

3 edges – small (approx 2 cm) , medium (approx 2.5 cm) and large (approx 3 cm)

3 slopers – small (first joint) , medium (second joint) and large ( full fingers)

3 pinches – small (approx 4cm) , medium (approx 7cm) and large (approx 10cm)

All holds should be good enough to hang for at least 16 seconds but no more that 18 seconds. Adapt the holds to suit your level.

You can use a bungee or your feet on something for assistance if you need to or add a little weight.

Exercise summary

16 second hangs on each hold with 30 second rest between hangs.

They will be done in the following sequence:

  1. Small edge
  2. small sloper
  3. small pinch
  4. medium edge
  5. medium sloper
  6. medium pinch
  7. medium edge
  8. medium sloper
  9. medium pinch
  10. large edge
  11. large sloper
  12. large pinch

Click ‘NEXT STEP’ to start the training

Exercise 4 Chin ups - 10 reps

Exercise 5 Push Ups - hands together

Exercise 6 Lying alternate straight leg raises

Exercise 7 Shoulders- Elastic Band 12

Exercise 8 Shoulders- Wall- Body Rotation 1

Exercise 9 Shoulder Mobility

Warm Down - 10 minute stretching routine.

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